Friday, April 22, 2005


Who is the detereminent of existance. When is dream only a dream . How does one reflect upon what is real and what is held in the mind, soul, the heart.Why must one ask for existance, if one doesnt know how to exist, or is there a meaning to exist at all. We must have a reason to exist and one should make their existance felt or else people will just walk over them , one should live life to the fullest or are we all living in some else dreams who does not exist at all ..........


S. A. Rahman said...

Till 10th March 2005 I had reason(s) for my life & living. But, now I live my life dreaming all the time. Yes I am a Dreamer or a Dream Catcher so to speak. And for you short artile about existence and reminder. This will do a plenty for other readers, I can say.

The Dreamer.

Anonymous said...

...surrender to ur Dreams!!

Anonymous said...

Dreams should be seen, but this should always be kept in mind that dreams are never always for u, no matter dow good they are. its not compulsory in life that whatever happens good in front of u is for u. As far as existance is concerned, i feel that one should let others feel it, and if they dont then let them walk over it...u cant do anything abt me!

Anonymous said...

Dreams should be seen, but this should always be kept in mind that dreams are never always for u, no matter dow good they are. its not compulsory in life that whatever happens good in front of u is for u. As far as existance is concerned, i feel that one should let others feel it, and if they dont then let them walk over it...u cant do anything abt me!

Anonymous said...

Dreams should be seen, but this should always be kept in mind that dreams are never always for u, no matter dow good they are. its not compulsory in life that whatever happens good in front of u is for u. As far as existance is concerned, i feel that one should let others feel it, and if they dont then let them walk over it...u cant do anything abt me!

Anonymous said...

life's all about existence.therez a reason we r here in this world. we havto make others feel our existence. existence cant b demolished or ignored. its there to mark us who we r. while dreams are there but its not necessary they r seen only, they r actually felt within urself. dreams can become reality through sheer hardwork plus the karma...
i guess if i keep on writin , i can go out of track n tht i dun want :)

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »